Portraiture and Visual Stories



Continuing from yesterday’s thought on facing change.

The mere thought of accepting self-doubt is terrifying. It gently creeps up around 3am to have a face-to-face conversation. The heart pounds faster and louder with every passing minute. The night's stillness and pin-drop silence amplify the heartbeat's sound.

What is Self Doubt?
How does it develop?
Are there signals along the way which we ignore, knowingly or unknowingly?

We all have our own answers to these questions. Self-doubt starts taking root when we do not create but cater. When we do not give power and energy to our creative calling. Catering slowly pulls us into a comfort zone. Makes us dependent on what is readily available with minimum effort and almost no accountability. It is easy because we are not challenged.

And one day, self-doubt surfaces when the reality check knocks on our door at 3am. Fear of losing what we take for granted engulfs us.

That is a wake-up call and time to gather courage. Have faith in ourselves. Face the unknown head-on. Take responsibility, and start creating.

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